September 2004


I am The Cyberwolfe and these are my ramblings. All original content is protected under a Creative Commons license - always ask first.
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Archive for September 8th, 2004

Hard decisions

Posted in Life on September 8th, 2004

A friend of mine made me the offer of a new kitty the other day, and I’ve been thinking about it very hard. My neighborhood currently does not have a tabby cat wandering it’s streets, which just seems very odd to me. The tabby that used to live with me (Sebastian, AKA Be’elzekitty) went home with his original owner some time ago, and the girl who had a twin to him moved away shortly thereafter. Heck, even that poor tomcat with the ‘lion’ haircut moved away.

Anywho, the kitty I have been offered is a grey tabby. He’s currently running under the moniker ‘Trouble’, and is the largest cat in his litter – roughly twice the size of his sibs at 10 weeks old. Big, curious, outgoing and atitude to spare – the kind of cats I’ve had all my life.

The only drawback I can see is the financial aspect. I’m not real big on taking myself to the doc, so you can imagine how often I take a pet to the vet. (Like me, my pets have always been healthy.) While the cat would be free to me, I would still need to take him in at least for his first round of shots (not a big deal) and the Breaking. (If something works, and you make it not work, it is breaking, not getting fixed.) This procedure currently costs about $125 – a fairly largish sum to be spending on a pet at this stage of my finances. This amount is offset somewhat by speculation though: I would have another couple of months before a vet would even perform the procedure due to his age.

Other considerations include the current non-human residents of Chez Wolfie. Zoe The Monster Cat has seemed a bit lonely since Sebastian moved out, and might like a new kitty. Or, she may not. On the flipside, Zoe doesn’t consider Tweaker the Hamster to be food, and a new cat might. The Ratboy would be very unhappy if he came home and found Tweaker’s cage open and hamster-breath on the cat.

So, I’m looking for feedback. What do you think?

UPDATE: Backpack

Posted in Life on September 8th, 2004

Remember how my backpack got stolen back in June? Well, my old roomate found a message on his voicemail from a Troutdale cop trying to get ahold of me. Apparently someone has been masquerading as me somehow or something.

Now I’m waiting for the cops to call me back. I hate waiting.

Geeky Greed

Posted in Geekery on September 8th, 2004

MSNBC has a review of the new BlackBerry phone, which looks to be a sweet bit of geekery. The reviewer could only find one thing to complain about in the beta model he tested – the screen is hard to read in sunlight.

The real surprise about the whole thing is the price – T-Mobile is offering the thing for a mere $199.99 US, with a decently-priced access plan as well.

Y’know, it just so happens that I already have a T-M account…