Fix SBS 2008
So, there you were, enjoying your SBS 2008 server and all the things it can do when ploooie! Something goes to hell and drags you in along with it. You spend the next 4 hours desperately searching the Internet for any sort of repair guide, only to discover that everything is written for Server 2008, and using those resources will severely screw up your SBS box.
At least, that’s what happened to me. Luckily, I work for a company that has a Gold Partner membership with Microsoft, and was able to call the support line. They guy on the phone said “haven’t you seen the SBS Repair Guide?”
Why no – because the damn thing doesn’t show up in a Google search until I specifically asked for it by name. (Two days later, the damn thing shows up under nearly every search I run. Maybe they rebuilt their metas?)
Anywho, here it is: The Windows SBS 2008 Repair Guide
May the Force be with you.