April 2008


I am The Cyberwolfe and these are my ramblings. All original content is protected under a Creative Commons license - always ask first.
Creative Commons License

Archive for April 27th, 2008

New filters and more housekeeping

Posted in Geekery on April 27th, 2008

While it hasn’t been published anywhere else, there is a small blurb on Dave’s blog that he will be dropping support for Spam Karma 2 and moving away from WP in general. Serendipitously enough, I ran across the WP-Spam-Free plugin via a link on my dashboard and have installed that.

As a true test of it’s mettle, I have also disabled the Bad-Behavior plugin. We’ll see how things go.

This all comes about after a whole weekend of site-updating activities. As I said in the earlier post, I launched the new Rogue Leather blog, and have downloaded and tested about 30 different themes over the weekend. So far, I’m liking this one and the one I have over at RLdc pretty well. Haven’t had to tweak too much.

Getting back to Dave and his dropping WP, he does go on to explain his reasons, or rather, he points to someone else’s reasoning here: Yong Fook’s 10 reasons to ditch WP

One point of all that I can certainly agree with is the upgrade process. In my case, not 2 days after I finally updated this blog to 2.5, 2.5.1 was released. And the damn admin dashboard tells me on every page that I really should upgrade.

Well, if it didn’t mean uploading the whole thing all over again and cherry-picking folders and files out, then I might. I just don’t want to deal with that right now.

Among other annoyances is the update to the post-writing portion, in which they have taken the “Categories” section out of the right admin sidebar and put it down below the edit box. Why? It was perfect where it was. With proper sizing of the edit box in the previous version, I could get all the important post-writing oprions into one screen of my laptop, and now I’m scrolling up-and-down on every post instead of just the ones I wanted to post pictures in.


Ok, enough ranting for now.

New site is up

Posted in Life on April 27th, 2008

When I started the whole leatherworking thing, I thought about selling my stuff, and with that comes a website – so I went and bought www.rogueleather.com

After a few months of making sure the guy who owned it before me didn’t want it back, I finally decided to do something with it – only I now realize that I don’t really have the time or inclination to sell my leather stuff on any sort of regular basis. So, I turned it into another blog. I will probably copy some of the posts I have done here over there, and any new leather-related posts will be at the new site.

Just thought I’d let ya know.