Strangers and fiction
While Greyduck has been writing about fictional interviews I had one the other day.
Well, I guess you could call it an interview…
Greyduck’s boss realized a couple weeks ago that it would take about two months for Greyduck to deploy the 30 replacement computers they had on order, so he authorized hiring a contractor to come and help with the project. Greyduck, of course, knew just who to call. It pays to have an IT guy as a roomie when you’re contracting :)
The call from his boss never came, so I took some action myself and went down to the office to help Duck clear out some room for the inbound shipment, and made sure to be someplace looking useful when the boss came ’round the server room. the interview lasted about 30 seconds, but the net result is that I got the contract, and spent today happily swapping out comps. They only want me to work part-time, which means the project will take about two or three weeks.
Unless, of course, I can talk him into that maintenance contract…
October 13th, 2004 at 8:46 am
Yeah, good luck trying to sweet talk your way into that one. I would say something snarky about said workplace, but I’ll be nice today =)