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Archive for the 'Humor' Category

Fun with definitions

Posted in Humor on June 10th, 2004

I wanted to make sure I had the use of the word “meme” correct, so I did a quick dictionary search. The second definition has an interesting point.

Memes can be considered the unit of cultural evolution. Ideas
can evolve in a way analogous to biological evolution. Some
ideas survive better than others; ideas can mutate through,
for example, misunderstandings; and two ideas can recombine to
produce a new idea involving elements of each parent idea.


Use of the term connotes acceptance of the idea that in humans
(and presumably other tool- and language-using sophonts)
cultural evolution by selection of adaptive ideas has become
more important than biological evolution by selection of
hereditary traits. Hackers find this idea congenial for
tolerably obvious reasons.

Camping tips for the city dweller

Posted in Humor on June 9th, 2004

Because Kylanath asked:

Things to take camping

  • Tent
  • Rain-fly or tarp for the tent
  • Sleeping bags
  • Water
  • Something to cook
  • Something to cook it in
  • Fire or something else to cook it on
  • Something that doesn’t need to be cooked for when you can’t get the fire lit.
  • Something to eat it with
  • Socks!! Lots of socks!
  • Appropriate clothing
  • Sunblock if clothing isn’t appropriate
  • Towell. Maybe two.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Painkiller for when you bash your finger pounding in tent stakes. (Booze is good for this.)
  • First-aid kit for when you nearly slice off a digit trying to open a can of beans with a bootknife because you forgot the silly can opener. (Booze is not good for this.)
  • Something to do in the tent for when the air has only slightly less water in it than the lake.
  • Flashlights for those after-dark nature calls
  • Charmin so you don’t get poison oak on your tender bits because you improvised.
  • A picture of poison oak so you can recognise it, before you improvise.
  • A shovel. (Cats bury theirs, you can bury yours.)
  • A scary story, a song or other spoken entertainment. C’mon, it’s a tradition.

That may be a bit much for some situations, but over 20 years of camping has given me a pretty good idea. Enjoy!

Oh gods…can’t breathe…

Posted in Humor on June 5th, 2004

Just can’t explain. Duck, this is so you, I’m surprised you haven’t had this thought already.

Queen of Wands


Posted in Humor on May 26th, 2004

Belle de Jour has this to say about sausage:

Isn’t the concept of sausage odd? Minced pig stuffed into part of a pig’s digestive tract. With herbs. It’s more like an anal necrophiliac bestial fetish than a foodstuff. Someone once told me of a speciality sausage from his homeland, which amounted to pig tract stuffed with more pig tract. Words fail.

The funny just keeps going

Posted in Humor on May 20th, 2004

Greyduck went off on some of his favorite “oh shit” acronyms, and BOHICA has to be the best I’ve heard in a long time. It was so funny, I had to Google it and see what came back.

Lo and Behold, there’s a band by that name.

And the first downloadable MP3 on the site is “Here it comes again”