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Archive for the 'Humor' Category

American 101

Posted in Humor on October 21st, 2004

Monica over at Th’ inkwell mentioned how odd it would be were she to visit friends here in the States, since she reads their emails and whatnot with an English accent in her head. For those Europeans who might stumble across this, here’s a brief look at the insanity that is American English.

American 101 continues… Read the rest of this entry »

Quiz quickie

Posted in Humor on October 11th, 2004

Greatest gun ever! Feel special. Beautiful and reliable, but can still scare the living bejesus outta anyone.
Sig Sauer P226. Greatest gun ever! Feel special.
Beautiful and reliable, but can still scare the
living bejesus outta anyone.

What handgun are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You know it, baby!

For those of you that aren’t gun nuts, the P226 comes chambered in 9mm with a 15-round clip (For Police and Military, anyway – us civvies only get 10.), .357 SIG or .40 S&W. Other features include internal safeties and a nice decocking lever that rests the hammer at the halfway point. I actually prefer the original blued version:

Back in 1983, the P226 was barely beat by the Beretta 92 for U.S. Military use. Actually, it came down to price, as the P226 and the 92 were the only entrants to meet spec, and Beretta gave them the better deal. Still, the P226 was later chosen as the superior weapon by the Navy SEALs. Who am I to argue with them?

BOFH: How do you deal with authority? | The Register

Posted in Humor on October 5th, 2004

BOFH: How do you deal with authority? | The Register

Too priceless. Go take the test now. I said Now!

Dear frelling (Diety of Choice)

Posted in Humor on September 23rd, 2004

Fleshlight – The #1 Male Masturbation Adult Sex Toy

Yeah, there’s an angle for you – combine sex with tools. Ugh.

On stupidity

Posted in Humor on September 23rd, 2004

I went to follow a link off of /. to a New York Times article today, and was re-directed to their registration page. Many on-line news sources are trying to get their users to provide personal information in an effort to increase their advertisership in some form or another. It is largely a useless endeavor, however, since so many folks like myself want no part of it and provide false information.

Having run into this sort of thing countless times, I promptly entered a username of ‘blah’ and email address of ‘blah-at-blah-dot-com’.

Already in use? Okay, we’ll try ‘blahblah’. No? How about blah1blah? at blahblah.com? Maybe blah……

It finally got down to a username of blahblah623 with email at blah1blah-at-blahblah.com.

That’s right, folks – 622 previous registrants had given false info. That doesn’t even take into account the other stuff they asked for, like birth year, salary and job title. (I’m now the CEO of a computing/networking firm pulling down $150k+ a year *smirk*)

Ya wonder if they’ll ever get a clue. Probably not.

Password is ‘blahblah’, by the way :)

Be thankful I am not Emperor…

Posted in Humor on September 17th, 2004

I was talking with my girl earlier today about how sex can be a powerful motivation, and the Dark Side came out:

Well, sex is illegal with anyone younger than 18 if you yourself are over 18. So how do we motivate todays youth to do better in school?

Pass a law requiring libido-inhibitors in all minors, removable only after a diploma is awarded. The inhibitors would have to be designed to prevent only climax, though, so they still have the desire for sex and know that the sensations are enjoyable, but inevitably lead to frustration since they can’t finish.

Damn, I’m evil!

Just for the halibut

Posted in Humor on September 1st, 2004

I’ve said before that I’m not much of a writer. I get a couple of great ideas, but have a helluva time stringing them together. Well, just because I got nuttin’ better to do, here are a couple of the scenes that have popped into my head in the past couple weeks.

Follow the dancing bear… Read the rest of this entry »

Hot Babe

Posted in Geekery, Humor on July 7th, 2004

You knew it had to happen sometime or another.

A few years back, somebody got the bright idea that the next thing your Windows desktop needed was a little bit of porn. Virtual Girl was what they came up with, and the program has an animation of a girl that strips on your desktop. Completely useless, except as a distraction.

In the Linux world, programmers are all about eye-candy and distractions too, but have a hard time making a program that doesn’t do something useful. Enter Hot Babe. This is a linux cpu monitor program. It puts a cartoon of a hot babe (duh) on your desktop. The busier your cpu gets, the less she wears.

Just another tidbit that goes toward the theory of geeks being better in bed because they never get any, and spend all of their time thinking about it :)


Posted in Humor on July 2nd, 2004

Well, today is a special day. (Short-bus kinda special to be sure, but I’ll take what I can get.) This is the 100th post on this blog!

I was tempted to delay for a couple days to hijack the upcoming fireworks for my own celebration, but was too impatient :) So instead, we’ll just throw some out right now.


That’s right, folks, we here at the Diary spare no expense when it comes to our celebrations.

(We now return you to our regularly scheduled boredom.)

Just for the halibut…

Posted in Humor on June 15th, 2004

For no good reason (but several silly ones), here’s Lilith’s Speed-Dating Quiz, in the tradition of the original posted here.

1.) What kind of relationship are you looking for? Long term or Casual? Poly or Monogamous? Kinky or Vanilla?
Casual, Poly, vanilla with kinky sprinkles on top.

2.) Favorite authors?
Harlan ellison, Robert Heinlein, Spider Robinson, David Weber…the list goes on.

3.) How involved are you in sports, as either a participant or a spectator?
Not at all. They bore me silly usually.

4.) Do you have a moral or personal opposition to eating veal or other red meat?
Founding member of People for Eating Tasty Animals.

5.) How private are you – would it drive you batty if I blogged about a conversation we had or something you did that I thought was sexy?
Blog all you want, but if I do something wrong, you have to wait until after we work it out, and write about the solution as well.

6.) What is the difference, to you, between lying by stating a falsehood and lying by omission?
Lying by omission is usually defined as witholding information from someone either to avoid implicating oneself, or to save someone else the pain of knowledge. Best avoided whenever possible.

7.) If a fairy godmother gave you the choice of any material item with price being no object, on the condition you couldn’t sell it or give it away, what would you choose?
How about the Mirage Casino in Las Vegas? Talk about the gift that keeps on giving…

8.) What type of pet do you have or would you choose?

9.) What is your criteria for choosing to become sexual with someone, and what are your sexual deal-breakers?
Combination of mental and physical stimulation usually, but there have been instances of chemistry gone awry. Deal breakers include lying, drug use, manipulation and unsafe sex practices.

10.) Religion, spirituality, or both?
Maybe a little spiritual, but not serious about it.

11.) What are a few of your biggest pet peeves?
People who sit around and whine about stuff without taking steps to fix it. If you want to bitch, you have to try to change it. I also have issues with people who simply don’t bother to take the time to educate themselves about their daily life, expecting someone else to lead them through safely or otherwise watch over them. The kinda people who need the warning labels on household goods, like “coffee will be hot”.

12.) Describe what “family” means to you.
“family” (lower-case ‘f’) are those folks who happen to be genetically related to me. “Family” (capital ‘F’) are those people whose opinions I value and trust beyond the point of friendship, the ones I can count on no matter what. I’m lucky in that I can include a large number of the former in with the latter.

13.) What would entice you to move out of the immediate area?
Nothing. I’ve seen enough of the country to know I don’t want to live anywhere else.

14.) Favorite musical artists?
Danny Elfman, Rush, Led Zepplin, there are many more.

15.) What are your passions, the serious and the silly?
Learning. Life is an education, and it is my duty to get as much out of it as I can. I suppose the silly side would have to be just goofing off in general. Who says growing up means you have to stop playing?