October 2024


I am The Cyberwolfe and these are my ramblings. All original content is protected under a Creative Commons license - always ask first.
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Archive for October 20th, 2024

This is the worst

Posted in Miscelleny on October 20th, 2024

Like several hundred million other folks, I play the Wordle daily. I like logic puzzles, and these generally don’t disappoint.

There is one type of puzzle, however, that just pisses me right the hell off: the one where the answer is one word out of many that fit the basic pattern and only change one letter. This puzzle from a week or so ago is one of the most egregious instances I have ever encountered:

I managed to get almost the maximum possible number of incorrect guesses on this puzzle and still didn’t manage to guess the word. And ‘guess’ is the operative word here, because there’s no effing logic in figuring this out. According to the quick research I did, there are over a dozen words that could have fit this format.

“But Wolfie” I hear you say, “the answer is always a word that’s in common usage. It shouldn’t be that hard to guess.” To which I say: that’s bullshit, because “common usage” is entirely subjective to who you commonly speak to. And lemmetellya, I apparently don’t talk to bakers or tree-scientists, because I haven’t heard the word ‘corer’ in forever. ‘Coder’ is by far more common in today’s vocabulary, and just about everyone is a coper cowering under cover in this climate.

To the creator of this puzzle, imagine a big hairy middle finger to go along with my “fuck you”. Your puzzle was bad, and you should feel bad about it. don’t pull this crap again.