To the Jackass who keeps posting spam comments on both my blogs:
Knock it off. It’s getting annoying to have to delete your comments from moderation.
You’d think they would have learned, since none of the messages ever actually make it past moderation…
May 29th, 2010 at 10:40 am
d00d, the spambots probably don’t come back and check to see whether or not their spam made it past moderation, much less read your posts.
Put a captcha on the posting page, that will stop it. WordPress has lots of options for that.
May 29th, 2010 at 10:44 am
oh, duh, you know that, it’s probably really some asshole doing the posting.
Trolls. Can’t live with ’em, can’t track ’em down to kill them.
May 30th, 2010 at 11:58 pm
Actually, it may have been a combination, but since there has been a vast improvement in Captcha code since the last time I looked into it, viola! It is done.
May 31st, 2010 at 11:17 am
Very good, Grasshopper.
I wonder how long CAPTCHAs will work? Sooner or later the bots are going to be able to winkle the letters out of these. Some of them, anyway. The ones that are so obscure that I screw them up at least twice make me want to slit my (or possibly the webmaster’s) throat. Failing the Turing test I am.