January 2009


I am The Cyberwolfe and these are my ramblings. All original content is protected under a Creative Commons license - always ask first.
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Archive for January 15th, 2009

And now for something technical

Posted in Geekery on January 15th, 2009

Speaking of upgrading computers, I thought I had blurbed about this but I guess not. On a whim the other day I downloaded and installed the Windows 7 Beta.

I went with the 64-bit version, and I have to say that so far I am impressed. It responds rather snappily, and the only problem I have had with it so far is that the Activesync replacement for Vista and Windows 7 isn’t as good as the original. It doesn’t always sync up to the phone. Considering I do all of my real syncing over the air, not a big deal.

Bonus points: The default setting for the User Access Control (UAC) that normally bugs the fuck out of you is a little tamer in 7. Programs still trip it, but they trained it to ignore when a user clicks to change something like a network setting.

Oh, for those that did not know this, the Windows Live Mail client sucks just as bad as Outlook Express does. You’ve been warned, use Thunderbird instead.

All in all, at this point Windows 7 looks like what Vista should have. Yes, it still swallows more of your resources than XP, and yes it still has the Vista interface, but aside from that you can live with it.