First times and last times
Posted in Life on December 2nd, 2008Today was an epic day of firsts and lasts:
First time in something like two years that I have bought gas for less than $2 a gallon.
Last carton of cigarettes I will ever purchase.
That’s right kids, Da Wolfie is jumping off the bandwagon. On Jan 1 2009, all Oregon bars and pubs go permanent non-smoking, so the only place I will legally be able to smoke indoors is in my car. (My lease prohibits it, and I agree, my house used to smell terrible when I smoked inside.) So I have purchased my last carton and will nurse it throughout the month. If I haven’t managed to kick the nicotein addiction by the first, it will be Nicorette or the Patch, no more smokes no matter what.
Deity help you all.