Rude surprise?
Posted in Life on April 30th, 2006If you have come to this page using Internet Exploder, you have just seen what may be a taste of things to come: a big yellow banner across the top of the page urging you to try Firefox.
Why did I do this? Because I’m tired of surfing to sites and seeing things screwed up because the asshat who wrote the code optimized it for that sorry, hole-ridden piece of trash out of Redmond. Now, I can get a little back.
As a bonus, I actually get money if anyone actually does download and install Firefox with the Google Toolbar downloaded through my site. (You’ll also notice the Google ads off to your left.) Why the ads too? because there is a slim chance I might actually get something back from the small amount of space they take up, so why the heck not?
Of course, I have tuned the ads so that nothing from Redmond will ever show up over there :)