Hey, what the…
I saw that Grau at Frizzen Sparks had posted how he got several thousand spam comments today, so I thought I’d see how I was doing – only a couple hundred over the past couple days, but not so bad.
The one thing that has bothered me about Spam Karma is that even if a comment isn’t listed on the post, it would show up in the “Recent Comments” area in the right menu until it was purged. The thing I noticed tonight is that they have figured out how to hack WP’s comment listings.
Normally, a comment would say “commenter’s name on post title” – well, the spammers somehow figured out how to change the post title listing for their comment. I looked at that list and saw comments austensibly listed on posts I had never written! The fuckers!
So, as one more “bite me” to the spammers, I have removed the “recent comments” listing.
Not that they will ever notice…
March 10th, 2006 at 3:02 pm
Couple… HUNDRED?
*blink, blink* I average a couple a day, near as I can tell by SK2’s every-three-days summary email. Wow.