The dirty bastards
Here’s a damn interesting (although long) read: the entire complaint filed by AMD vs. Intel.
Down toward the bottom (about page 40) it describes how Intel’s compiler (the one given to independent software vendors) deliberately fouls up code when run on an AMD processor.
Now, when I asked why my boss doesn’t really carry any AMD product unless by request, he quotes to me all the times he has run into problems running business software on AMD chips. It wasn’t an AMD problem he kept running into, it was an Intel nastiness executed at the programmer level.
To continue our company’s standard ‘car analogy’ series, it would be like building a carburettor that could sniff out the difference in gasoline producers, and deliberately making the car screw the mixture up unless it tasted Chevron Techron. (Come to think of it, I have been hearing all those ads for ‘Top Tier’ gas lately…)
The dirty bastards.