April Fool’s…
…and not a joke to be told.
I always get kinda bummed on this day, since I have yet to think up a good joke to pull on someone, and I walk around over-analyzing the funnier of my friends and co-workers, wondering what mischief they’ve been up to. Today, I think Greyduck took the cake with the Voice-Activated Fax Machine.
BtFR had ample chance to pull a big one, since he’s currently out of the country, but he failed to call me from ‘a Turkish prison’. For a guy who’s done stand-up, you wonder why he passed up the chance.
One of the guys in the shop did pull one on the other shop, but it was pretty lame as jokes go. He didn’t even use any mousetraps.
Blurgh. Brain stalled. (A)bort, (R)etry, or (F)ail?
A {enter}
April 11th, 2005 at 9:42 am
Yeah well on April 1st I was too busy looking at the slip in my wallet about the joke played on me in Frankfurt. Bastards moved the decimal point over 1 place and charged me 540 Euros (that’s $707 folks) for a 50 Euro bar tab. Not a bad joke really, and you guys wonder why I don’t get drunk in public.