Back in the garage again
I picked up another contract gig for this Thursday, and thought it would be a good idea to drag along a laptop just in case something goes wrong, and Greyduck was kind enough to loan me the laptop he’s had lying around the house. This one doesn’t have a battery, so nobody has been using it.
I had to dump Windoze2k back into it, since the stuff I’ll be using it for requires it, but other than that it ain’t so bad – provided I don’t need to do any serious number-crunching with it. This thing is slow. I spent about 3 hours installing the OS, patching the OS and getting the video drivers to work. (A slight hiccup in the ATI mobility drivers thought it was supposed to be using the TV out connector instead of the panel display.)
So, what was one of the first tests I ran with it? Seeing how much signal I have down in the garage at my smoking table. 64% strength, 73% quality if you must know the details.