Damn, I thought I had this beat
That’s right boys and girls: allergy season has arrived. I had thought that maybe the sinus infection I had last year may have cured my allergies, since they usually show up before now, but I guess it ws just Mother Nature playing tricks on me.
Maybe this year I’ll have better luck finding a combination of treatments that allows me to function instead of simply knocking me out. I tell ya, those packages shouldn’t read “may cause drowsiness”, they should read “don’t make in fuq’ing plans”.
June 5th, 2004 at 9:20 am
On my way home (at 6 freakin’ ay em) I broke down and stopped at the Safeway near the kids’ place to pick up one of those six-dollar five-packs of Claritin. We’ll see if those do the trick for me… ’cause man, last night was hellish. I, too, thought that perhaps The Season had gone easy on me. Alas, not so…